Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Battle of the Bush!

One evening as I went for a walk at 11PM, I happend on a bush with six legs sticking out in all directions. Suddenly three young men clambered out of the bush only to dive back into the bush, flying like superman, after one of the men yelled, "Enemy contact!" Feet were once again sticking out in every direction. "Where is my camera when I need it," I asked myself outloud. This elicited a response...
Suddenly the three young men sprang out bush one threw his arm over my shoulder and started trying make fun of me for being a german. Typical behavior of the British soldiers here. I said, "Hey, take it easy. That's funny and all but I am an American." Then the tune completely changed, instant friend status and an invitation to go drink followed. One of the more drunken soldiers didn't quite understand still and said to me, "You aint got me fooled you Nazi-kraut!" his friends hit him calling him an idiot and explained that I am really a Colonial.... =)
After having gained the trust of a Corporal, he explained that he is applying to be a police officer in America. He said that after 8 years in the Army that he has more experience with drugs having tried every one. "Who better for the Job? Right!?!" I said that he sould make sure to explain that exactly so during his interviews....
One of the younger drunken soldiers bit off a large chunk of a bush and brandished it in his teeth . Another not wanting to be outdone came running to us with a large potted plant hanging from his teeth.
I eventually was able to tear myself away from them but not before i witnessed countless acts of violence on poor bushes and other vegitation.

1 comment:

  1. That is so strange! And that's considered normal behavior of British soldiers? Don't go for any more late night walks is all I can say.
