Tuesday, October 4, 2011


We had an apartment in the city center. The only major positive thing there is that is was centeral to everything. One reason we hated it was because it was too loud. Drunken soldiers and students would sometimes wake us in the middle of the night with their shouting/singing. The solution was to move to a new and better apartment further away. At first everything seemed better, till the neighbors started arguing.

It is an older couple in thier 60s, a nice sweet grandmother and grandfather type. He offers to help when ever I need it and she always has a smile for us. I thought they seemed perfect. It's amazing how when you think something is perfect it rarely is...

On the first evening after we settled in the neighbors started screaming at each other full of hatred and rage . I have no idea what they scream since it is in Polish, but the foriegn language makes it sound all the worse. I thought for sure we have to call the police! One of them was going to DIE! I was sure of it, but there was no sounds of a fight other than verbal. As i write this they are currently screaming at each other. Maybe its a cultural thing and I just don't understand it. That wouldn't be the first time i missunderstood the way communication occurs under another culture.

My wife says that they have misplace passion. If they took that energy and made love with it they probally wouldn't have anything to fight about. What do people that old have to fight about anyway? This leads me speculate:

Wife: Hey Jerkface! You squeezed the toothpaste from the middle... AGAIN!!! And the toilet seat was left in the UP position!!!

Man: Listen Witch! it's a toilet seat with hindges it works both ways. if its up you can lower it!!! I
don't scream that you left the lid closed, do I ???

Ok maybe they do have legitimate arguments but I wish they wouldn't scream at each other so much it really kills the mood when I am trying to put the moves on my wife. Then again it kills the atmoshphere of everything. I was reading to the kids when their uproar really killed the awesome moment I was having. Maybe I should talk to them, or do something totally passive-agressive like put a marriage counseling flyer in their mailbox.

I remember listening to my Dad's 2nd wife (a real witch if there ever was one) scream at him. My God, the woman was at the time 70! She had some really choice cuss words for him. Everything from Jackass to F%&k$ng A$$&%le. My dad said nothing mean to her. What was she upset about? He wanted to spend some time with his boys.

Life is really short... too short to spend it fighting and arguing about things that in the long run don't matter. If things are really that bad... get out! Enjoy the time you have. Enjoy life. Don't sqaunder it with someone who brings you down! See your kids! See your friends! Most of all don't bring me down with your negativity too.

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